niedziela, 24 lipca 2011

ECHO - sound installation by Krzysztof Topolski aka Arszyn

Author: Krzysztof Topolski aka Arszyn

There is only voice and flower left from Echo and Narcissus. But voice and flower represent also sound and image, and on the receiving end: hearing and sight. Favouring one side of this dichotomy in our relating to the world has to result in affecting the way of perceiving it. This story conveys the necessity of choice between the voice and the flower and so between sound and image, hearing and sight. This story can be seen as one of the first examples of obsession related to vision and the tendency to elevating one sense over the other, in this case sight over hearing. In the context of this myth one wonders why until today we speak and think about Narcissus as a person and build personal metaphors about this figure while echo is only an acoustic phenomenon. Why did we forgot the name - Echo?”* 

Krzysztof Topolski's artists-in-residency programme is supported by the Visegrad International Fund, a program of the Visegrad Artist Residency Programme – VARP.

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