niedziela, 18 września 2011


Školská 28: Komunikační prostor
20. září – 5. říjen 2011

Prezentace projektu Heroes: 19. září 2011 - 17:00 hodin
Vernisáž výstavy: 19. září 2011 - 18:00 hodin

Umělci: Martin Janíček / Martin Zet / Danilo Capasso / Christian Costa / Jaro Dufek / Dominika Skutnik /Krzysztof Topolski aka Arszyn /
Kurátorky: Aleksandra Grzonkowska /PL/ Susanna Horvatovičová /IT/CZ/ Dagmar Šubrtová /CZ/

Spolupráce: MEMENEST Associazione Culturale, Naples
Communication space Školská 28, Prague
6. bienále Industriální stopy 2011 (Praha-Kladno)

Ideou projektu Není čas na hrdinství je představit skupinu umělců, kteří pracují a vyjadřují se intervencí v konkrétním veřejném prostoru. Není čas na hrdinství spojuje evropská města: Kladno-Prague, Neapol, Gdańsk. Přetrvávající problém privatizace nábřeží a globální spotřeby vody stimuluje analýzu využití říčních toků v rámci přepravy a komunikace. Dříve byla industriální zóna důležitou součástí výroby, nyní jsou tyto lokality někdy nebezpečné a zapomenuté, jinde si tato místa bere zpět příroda. Cílem je provádět výzkum zaměřený na konfrontaci a prezentace těchto průmyslových oblastí, vodních cest a moří, dále hledání strategií jak pečovat o tyto zóny, lépe je využít, a tím je zachránit. 

Bývalý areál Vojtěšské huti Kladno Koněv – pozdější Poldi Kladno SONP je jeden z nejzajímavějších průmyslových komplexů v České republice. Tato historická průmyslová soustava objektů spočívala na velkých cementových nádržích, které uchovávaly vodu a další látky používané při výrobě oceli. Za zmínku stojí architektonická rozmanitost města Kladna zdůrazněna secesními vilami postavenými kolem továren od významných architektů jako byl např. Josef Hoffmann.

Český umělec Martin Janíček prezentuje zvukovou performanci a instalaci s reprodukovanými zvuky z industriálních zón v Kladně a v Gdaňsku. Martin Zet recykluje městské objekty a transformuje jejích funkci a smysl do jeho osobní vize naši současné společnosti.

Podle známé italské čtvrti "Spacca Napoli" je město rozděleno na dvě části. Východ Neapole je chudou čtvrtí okolo přístavu, kde byly v 80. letech postaveny obrovské továrny, které byly po deseti letech opuštěny. Západní oblast Neapole je zcela jiná. Jsou tam postavené luxusní vily s výhledem na moře nedaleko slavného parku Virgilio poblíž ostrova Capri.

Italští umělci Christian Costa a Danilo Capasso se zabývají úvahami o urbanistické historii východní Neapole a volí umělecké strategie intervence do periferních oblastí a jejich degradace. Fotografická a video instalace Danila Capassa zkoumá “hraniční prostory” východní Neapole a odráží “stav mezi existencí v minulosti a budoucími identitami”. Dokumentární video a cyklus fotografií Christiana Costy představuje kritický pohled na degradaci neapolských industriálných zón Cirio, Vela, Ponticelli, a na oblast přístavu.

Gdaňské loděnice jsou velmi unikátní. Zde začaly stávky, systémové změny a hnutí Solidarita. Město je zajímavé z pohledu využití nábřeží, které je příkladem přizpůsobení architektury díky změně její funkce (z průmyslových výrobních hal na umělecké lofty.
Přes metaforu hypnotického pohledu na let mořského racka polská umělkyně Dominika Skutnik rozlišuje originálním způsobem vztahy mezi světem snů, městských zvuků a hrou asociací. Jaro Dufek kombinuje různé druhy vody z Prahy, Gdaňska a Neapole v interaktivním projektu výuživající mobilních telefonů. Krzysztof Topolski aka Arszyn zkoumá různé strategie jak zachytit městské zvuky ve finální minimální hudební instalací. 

Projekt No Time For Heroes je součástí programu 6. bienále Industriální stopy 2011 (Praha-Kladno) pořádaného Výzkumným centrem průmyslového dědictví při ČVUT v Praze (

Rezidence Krzysztofa Topolského je podporován Visegrádským mezinárodním fondem, Visegrádský umělecký rezidenční program - VARP.
Polská část je podporována Institutem Adama Mickiewicze.

Projekt Školská 28: Komunikační prostor je podporován Magistratem města Prahy. Výstavy a paralelní programy probihají od roku 2005 díky vřelé finanční podpoře Ministerstva kultury České Republiky.

Mediální partneři: Artmap, His Voice.

Školská 28: Komunikační prostor
v ul. Školské 28, P-1 ve dvoře - vstup průchodem, Praha
tel. +420 296 325 066,
Otevírací doba: úterý: 13-19:00, středa-sobota: 13-17:00

Installation day in Skolska 28 Gallery - Prague - 16.09.2011

Workshop in Kladno - 16.09.2011

On 16th of September a group of Heroes went to visit industrial area in Kladno - Former steel mill POLDI, later on Poldi Kladno SONP, that is one of the most interesting industrial complexes in the Czech Republic. 

Lime kiln

 Exhibition in the Castle of Kladno - architectural students projects concerning Poldi Kladno SONP.

Text and photographic documentation on lime kilns.

 In the neighborhood of gipsys.


Communication space Skolská 28 - Praga

Progetto italo-ceco-polacco

Presentazione del progetto Heroes: 19 Settembre 2011 - ore 17:00
Inaugurazione mostra: 19 Settembre 2011 - ore 18:00
20.09.- 5.10.2011

Artisti: Martin Janíček / Martin Zet / Danilo Capasso / Christian Costa / Jaro Dufek / Dominika Skutnik / Krzysztof Topolski aka Arszyn

Curatrici: Aleksandra Grzonkowska /PL/ Susanna Horvatovičová /IT/CZ/
Dagmar Šubrtová /CZ/

Il progetto internazionale Non è tempo per gli eroi coinvolge un gruppo di artisti e curatori italiani, cechi e polacchi che hanno lavorato lungo tempo sugli spazi pubblici sopratutto della loro città di provenienza ideando installazioni site-specific. Il progetto connette le città europee di Kladno e Praga, Napoli e Danzica e verte sulle problematiche della privatizzazione e dell'uso delle risorse idriche globali. Il fine del progetto è di ricercare nuove strategie per l'utilizzo dei corsi d'acqua intesi come mezzi di trasporto e di comunicazione. Le zone industriali adiacenti ad esse hanno avuto, infatti, un importante ruolo nella produzione locale, seppure oggi molte di esse sono state abbandonate, alcune risultano addirittura pericolose, mentre altre sono state invase dalla natura. L'obiettivo è quello di stimolare un confronto delle suddette aree industriali, fluviali e marine, al fine di trovare migliori strategie d'intervento artistico per la loro fruizione e conservazione.

Uno dei complessi industriali più interessanti della Repubblica Ceca è l'ex acciaieria Kladno Konev - chiamata successivamente Poldi Kladno SONP. L'area industriale di Kladno conserva tuttora grandi vasche di cemento armato che allora contenevano acqua e altre sostanze chimiche usate nella produzione dell'acciaio ma che ora sono invase da piante ed alberi. Degna di nota è la varietà degli stili architettonici presenti a Kladno, in particolare le ville in stile Liberty costruite attorno alle fabbriche da noti architetti, come Josef Hoffmann.
Martin Janicek presenta nella sezione ceca della mostra una performance musicale e un'installazione che riproduce i suoni delle aree industriali di Kladno e di Danzica. Mentre Martin Zet ricicla oggetti urbani e ne trasforma la funzione ed il senso in una visione personale della nostra società contemporanea. 

Come è noto, Napoli è divisa in due aree dalla famosa via Spacca Napoli. La zona est che circonda il porto rappresenta la parte povera della città. Negli anni Ottanta vi sono state costruite enormi fabbriche che sono state poi abbandonate nel decennio successivo. La zona ovest è invece molto ricca, vi si stagliano lussuose ville che si affacciano sul mare, non lontano dal parco Virgilio nei pressi dell'isola di Capri. 
Questa diversità è messa in risalto dagli artisti italiani Christian Costa e Danilo Capasso che da anni si occupano della storia urbanistica napoletana adottatando diverse strategie di intervento nelle zone periferiche e degradate. L'installazione fotografica e video di Danilo Capasso ricerca “le zone di confine / liminal spaces” di Napoli est e riflette “lo stato in divenire tra le identità presenti e future”. Il video documentario e il ciclo fotografico di Christian Costa mostra con sguardo critico la degradazione delle zone industriali dei quartieri di Cirio, Vela, Ponticelli e dell'area portuale di Napoli.

I cantieri navali di Danzica (Gdaňsk) sono davvero unici. In questo luogo sono iniziati i primi scioperi e cambiamenti del sistema comunista ed è qui che è nato il movimento Solidarita. La città è interessante anche dal punto di vista della fruizione del lungomare, rappresentando uno degli esempi più riusciti dell'adattamento a nuove funzioni dell'architettura già esistente (dalla produzione industriale ai loft per gli artisti), così come dei rapporti tra i lavoratori dei cantieri e le attività artistiche.
Attraverso il volo ipnotico di un gabbiano, l'artista polacca Dominika Skutnik estende in maniera sublime le relazioni tra il mondo dei sogni, i suoni urbani e il gioco delle associazioni mentali. Jaro Dufek combina invece il suono delle acque provenienti da Praga, Danzica e Napoli mediante un progetto interattivo composto di telefoni cellulari. Krzysztof Topolski aka Arszyn cerca diverse strategie per catturare e presentare i rumori della città in installazioni sonore minimale.

Il progetto Non è tempo per gli eroi fa parte del programma della sesta edizione della Biennale delle tracce industriali 2011 (6. bienále Industriální stopy 2011) di Praga-Kladno ed è supportato dal Centro di ricerca per la conservazione del patrimonio industriale - ČVUT di Praga.

MEMENEST Associazione Culturale, Napoli
Communication space Školská 28, Praga
VI. Biennale delle tracce industriali 2011

La residenza di Krzysztof Topolski aka Arszyn è finanziata dal Fondo internazionale di Visegrad, programma di residenze artistiche Visegrad – VARP.
La sezione polacca è supportata dall'Istituto Adam Mickiewicz.

Il progetto Školská 28: Komunikační prostor (Skolska 28: Communication space) è supportato dalla città di Praga. Le esposizioni e il programma parallelo si svolgono dal 2005 grazie al contributo finanziario del Ministero della Cultura della Repubblica Ceca.

Media parters: Artmap, His Voice.

Skolska 28: Communication space
via Skolska 28, Praga – ingresso nel cortile interno
tel. +420 296 325 066,

niedziela, 11 września 2011

OPENING - 19.09.2011, 6 pm - Skolska 28


Communication space Skolská 28
September 20 - October 5, 2011

Polish - Czech – Italian project

Presentation of project Heroes: September 19, 2011 - 5:00 PM
Exhibition Opening: September 19, 2011 - 6:00 PM

Artists: Martin Janíček / Martin Zet / Danilo Capasso / Christian Costa / Jaro Dufek / Dominika Skutnik / Krzysztof Topolski aka Arszyn
Curated by: Aleksandra Grzonkowska /PL/ Susanna Horvatovičová /IT/CZ/
Dagmar Šubrtová /CZ/

Cooperation: MEMENEST Associazione Culturale, Naples
Communication space Školská 28, Prague
6th Bienale Vestiges of Industry 2011 (Prague-Kladno)

The idea of the international project No Time For Heroes is to involve a group of artists, working in the field of public art and site-specific experiments. The project connects three European cities: Kladno-Prague, Naples and Gdańsk, touching the problems of waterfront privatisation and the global usage of water resources. It attempts to stimulate the research of the use of waterways as a means of transport and communication. These industrial zones used to be an important part of production, now such locations are dangerous and abandoned, sometimes such former industrial zones are claimed back by the nature. The mission of the project is to develop the artistic research focused on the confrontation and presentation of these industrial areas, waterways and sea, and to find a better strategy for treating these zones and using their surroundings to preserve them.

Former steel mill POLDI, later on Poldi Kladno SONP, is one of the most interesting industrial complexes in the Czech Republic. This ancient development of Poldi Kladno SONP consists of large cement tanks that contained water and various chemicals used in steel production. It is also worth to point out the architectural diversity of Kladno by emphasizing the Art Nouveau villas that were built around the factories by outstanding architects as Josef Hoffmann. Czech artist Martin Janíček presents performance and installation that reproduces the soundscape of the industrial zones in Kladno and Gdańsk. Martin Zet reuses urban objects and transforms their function and meaning into his personal vision of the contemporary society.

The Naples is divided into two parts. The east of the city is a poor district around the port, where in the 80's huge factories were built and abandoned a decade later. The West area of Naples is totally different with luxury villas overlooking the sea near the famous park of Virgilio and the island of Capri. Italian artists Christian Costa and Danilo Capasso are researching the urban history of east part of Naples, exercising their artistic strategy of interventions to the outskirts and it's degradation. The installation with photography and video by Danilo Capasso explores the “liminal spaces” of eastern Naples and reflects “a state of being between one´s past and future identities”. The documentary video and series of photography of Christian Costa brings critical view on the degradation of industrial area of Naples called Cirio, Vela, Ponticelli, and the port area.

The grounds of the Gdańsk Shipyard are very unique. It's here where the strikes, the system changes and the Solidarity movement began. The city is also interesting from the point of exploration of the waterfront. This is an example of adaptation of already existing architecture by changing its function (from industrial production halls into artistic lofts) and relations between the shipyard workers and artistic activities. Through a hypnotic flight of the seagull, the Polish artist Dominika Skutnik magnifies in the sublime way the relationships between the world of dreams, urban sounds and associations. Jaro Dufek combines different water sounds of Prague, Naples and Gdańsk through the interactive artwork using mobile phones. Krzysztof Topolski aka Arszyn researches different strategies how to capture the urban sound and to create minimal acoustic installation.

The exhibition No Time For Heroes is presented in framework of the 6th Biennial Vestiges of Industry 2011 (Prague-Kladno), supported by ČVUT in Prague (

Residency of Krzysztof Topolski is realized thanks to the International Visegrad Fund (IVF).
Polish part is supported by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute.

The project Communication space Školská 28 is supported by a grant from the Prague Municipal. The exhibition and parallel programs have been realized since 2005 with the kind financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

Media partners: Artmap, His Voice, Kulturní čtrnáctideník A2.

Školská 28: Komunikační prostor
v ul. Školské 28, Prague
tel. +420 296 325 066 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +420 296 325 066      end_of_the_skype_highlighting,
Tues. 13-19:00 PM, Wed.-Fri. 13-17:00 PM

sobota, 10 września 2011

LIMEN a state of possibility - Danilo Capasso

Liminal state:
a state of being between one's past and future identities
and thus outside the established order,
in a state of possibility
(Rebecca Solnit, 2001)

Using this words, in her book Wonderlust, Rebecca Solnit defines the liminal condition. Explored and firstly used by the english anthropologist Victor Turner, the Liminal being identifies a transitional state and so the social drama, as a source of creativity, the place for new ideas, the ritual of evolution and progress. Therefore, applying this concept to the analysis of urban space underlines the existence of a city liminal dimension given by its transformation processes. Space acquires a suspended identity, a temporary passage in the field of pure potentiality: "a state of possibility", and thus, open to new configurations and approaches.
Napoli Est is an urban area deeply signed by the end of industrial age, where liminal spaces are, more often, space of undefined latency. A place where urban transformations materialize trough slow processes and where a permanent asymmetrical negotiation between legal an illegal stakeholders drives the city to a growth without development.
This work is a visual journey trough Naples East. The documentation and exploration of liminal space in this project, aims to identify a specific liminal urban imagery, and to produce source material useful for creative transformation strategies devoted to urban spaces.
The photographic work is configured as a selection of shoots made in Naples East between 2007 and 2011,
the video is taken from the train that leaves the city by the east side in 2011.

Artist book: LIMEN
32 pages, color print on photographic paper, dim. 380mm x 240mm, edition of 2
all photo: Danilo Capasso
Video: Sliding Limen
Digital video, Color(PAL), 04'20", 16:9/1920x1080, .mov
direction/editing/sound design: Danilo Capasso

Artist websites

Danilo Capasso

ECHO - Krzysztof Topolski aka Arszyn


The only sound material used in the Echo installation is the human voice. I thought, that it would be worth trying to recreate the situations from the stories about  Narcissus and Echo. In this particular story the nymph named Echo is only able to reflect the voice, what extinguishes all the attempts to initiate the contact and relationship with Narcissus. I asked a few people to try to recreate similar behavior, they were only allowed to repeat the sounds, words and the last words of the sentences. The topics were randomly improvised.
We tried to recreate the situation from the myth. Does the reconstruction succeeded? I don’t know. However, the records illustrating some kind of a game, communication without the dialogue and monologue with Echo were produced. 
There is no exchange here, but there is the intense Presence. The tones and energies of the voices are essential, each one different, private, intimate. The records were field recorded, in an acoustic environment highly variable. They were realized in a Czech language. For me, as an initiator of this situation and the listener, it is important, that without understanding the matter of the spoken tasks and words I receive language more acoustically than semantically. I don’t understand what the characters of my recordings “do not talk” about, however I perfectly hear all the Echoes and reflects, tones and melodies.

Very special thanks to :
Petr Stibral
Jan Laska
Pavel Hoke
Miloš Vojtěchovský
Veronika Resslová
Martin Blažíček